Be the best host around with this show stopping recipe sure to impress any guest. Moth watering trout complimented by 5th Season Shiraz Salt and fine local produce.

250g 5th Season Shiraz Salt

3  Egg Whites  (free range)

1 large whole Trout

1 Lemon

½ cup Kalamata Olives

½ cup Green Olives

2 cup Heirloom Tomatoes roughly chopped

1 Red Onion thinly sliced

1 Tbsp. flat Leaf Parsley 

Cold Pressed Extra Virgin Olive Oil

2 tbsp toasted Pine Nuts


Step 1

Preheat oven to 200 °C.

Step 2

Whip egg whites to a soft peak and fold in with salt mixture till combined.

Step 3

Cover an oven tray with greaseproof paper and in the centre make a bed with part of the salt mixture to sit the fish on. Place fish on top and cover with rest of mixture and pat down to form a blanket all over the fish.  Bake fish for 12- 15 minutes until the salt becomes hard forms a shell.

Step 4

Combine tomatoes, olives, pine nuts parsley and onion in a bowl, season with salt, pepper squeeze of lemon juice and olive oil, toss to combine and place in serving bowl.

To dish the fish carefully crack the salt and remove along with the skin to reveal the delicate pink hue flesh. Centre bones should also gently be removed to leave other side of flesh. I like to serve this meat on freshly toasted sourdough and salad with a squeeze of lemon juice. The Shiraz give a lovely colour and sweetness to the flesh.


Australian Shiraz Inland Salt

As we know meat loves salt and salt loves meat and this Shiraz salt won’t disappoint. The (Avoca) Blue Pyrenees Shiraz colour and perfume brings a depth of flavour, perfect on a great steak or adding a touch of class to a spaghetti Bolognese sauce. Sprinkled over pan fried Portobello mushrooms is just yum.


/ 100g

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